PAMM Program

The HFM PAMM Program is an investment vehicle that allows anyone the opportunity to invest without having to trade the markets themselves. Our PAMM Program also allows Fund Managers to earn additional revenue for successful management of client funds.

Invest in PAMM

Understanding how the HFM PAMM Program Works

As an HFM PAMM Manager, you open an HFM PAMM Account and allocate funds to your Manager Account – this is known as the Manager's Capital. When a PAMM Manager successfully manages investors' funds by generating a profit, the Manager will receive a Success Fee – a pre-agreed percentage of the investor's share of the profit.

To choose a PAMM Manager, Investors can review the PAMM Performance Rankings page and select the PAMM Managers who match their investment goals. It's easy to find a Manager from the customisable PAMM Performance Table by filtering results by active/ inactive strategies, current ranking, PAMM strategy name, minimum deposit, gain and maximum drawdown.

PAMM Managers trade using their own capital (Manager's Capital) and the funds of any investors in the account. Simply put, any profits and losses generated on the PAMM Manager's Account will be shared between all accounts that are invested in the PAMM Manager on a proportional basis.

Want to become an
HFM PAMM Fund Manager?


Do you want to become
an Investor?


All investments and transfers within the HFM PAMM program are fully controlled by us automatically, ensuring that both the Investor and Fund Manager have peace of mind when it comes to security. As a trade is closed, profits and losses (P/L) are distributed to the Investors and Fund Manager, based on their participation. At predefined periods of time, the HFM PAMM Fund Manager receives the fee specified within the Manager's Offer.